Sean Heneghan BSc Hons, LicAc, MBAcC, HPD, DipCHyp, MBACP

Counsellor, Acupuncturist
& Cognitive Hypnotherapist

With extensive training and a range of
therapeutic experience, I can help
people with a range of physical and
emotional problems.

Hypnotherapy Berkhamsted: Hypnotherapy for phobias, Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead, Tring, Hertfordshire

Phobias are a common source of distress, so common in fact that in the US phobias are the most common form of ‘mental illness’ among women and the second most common in men over the age of 25. Hypnotherapy for phobias is therefore a therapy option that is often sought out, and it’s one that can have profound results in helping people with what can be a disabling problem that severely limits quality of life.

There is a huge range in the phobias in which people can develop, from social phobias connected to anxiety around people or certain social circumstances, and more specific phobias that connected to certain triggers such as lifts, dogs, heights, flying etc. Where a phobia is tied to the pairing of a specific stimulus to a negative emotion during an early formative experience there is a huge range of subjects that can become the source of phobic reactions since the stimulus becomes automatically associated with the emotion in later life. This means people can develop phobic reactions to nearly anything, providing the early sensitizing experience is strong enough. Equally so for some people there may well be no conscious memory or realization of why a given subject has become the source of a phobic reaction.

What is common for many people experiencing a phobia is that they are fully aware their reaction is disproportionate to the actual threat posed, and yet this can have little impact on their experience. This can leave people feeling frustrated, powerless and stuck. That hypnotherapy works with people subconsciously is one of the reasons why it can be such a useful method of therapy for this issue.

acupuncture & hypnotherapy Berkhamsted, Milton Keynes

Anybody who experiences a phobia already knows what it’s like to be hypnotized,  since what they’re currently hypnotized with is all of the negative imaginings, the  terrifying mental rehearsal, and the negative predictions about what would happen in  the future were they were to be in the circumstance that produces their anxiety.  These imaginings in the forms of mental pictures, feelings and sounds we take  completely for granted since they are such a normal part of life but they serve as the  programming that influences our future experience. Hypnotherapy helps with  phobias in a number of different ways, and in a way that it always tailored to each  person, but in part it works by helping you use the same internal machinery of your  imagination in a way that is empowering rather than dis empowering, and helps you  create the kind of experience where you’re calm and comfortable in a circumstance that previously produced fear and anxiety.

When you combine these hypnotic exercises with powerful techniques that can help clear up early sensitizing experiences that are the roots of phobia, then you have the possibility of creating a much more positive kind of future to live into.

My approach is to treat people and their own particular problem as completely unique and as such therapy is fresh for each person in an environment that’s supportive and understanding. If you suffer with a phobia, and are curious about how hypnotherapy could help you, please feel free to get in touch with me on 07717 515 013 or by email at

Make an Enquiry

If you would like to discuss your treatment with Sean prior to booking an appointment, please contact him directly on 07717 515 013 or complete this enquiry form.

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Clinic Location

Berkhamsted Chiropractic Clinic,
69 High Street, Berkhamsted, HP4 2DE

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07717 515013

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